Buy $STACK Tokens

How to buy $STACK on PancakeSwap using MetaMask

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

If you try to connect your MetaMask wallet to PancakeSwap with default settings it will show you an error.

Therefore you need to first add BSC network to MetaMask and then access PancakeSwap.

👉Step 1: Add and select BSC network to your MetaMask wallet Click here to follow this step by step guide to add BSC network to your MetaMask wallet.

👉Step 2: Access PancakeSwap website Go to the PancakeSwap website through the link provided below.

👉Step 3: Connect your MetaMask wallet Click on “Connect” at the top-right-end corner. Select “MetaMask” and a pop-up will show. Select the Network you want to choose and click on “Next” and then “Connect”.

👉Step 4: $STACK Token selection After connecting your wallet to PancakeSwap, click on “Select a Token” and select the $STACK token.

Make sure you are using the right $STACK Smart Contract address by double-checking the address below or checking coinmarketcap: 0x6855f7bb6287f94ddcc8915e37e73a3c9fee5cf3

👉Step 5: Transfer Binance Coin ($BNB) to your MetaMask wallet. You will need BNB in order to buy (swap) $STACK tokens from the available BNB in your wallet. Enter the amount of BNB to swap.

Help? Follow this step by step guide to transfer funds to your MetaMask wallet.

👉Step 6: Slippage Tolerance selection Continue with the default slippage. If you would like to change the slippage tolerance then click on the settings button at the top-right-end corner.

Recommendation for slippage is between 0.5 and 1%

With the slippage tolerance, you can set the max % of price movement you can accept to successfully complete the transaction. If the price goes higher than the % you chose, the order won’t execute.

👉Step 7: Swap confirmation and Gas selection Click on “Swap” and a pop-up window will show on the top-right-end corner on MetaMask, confirm the Gas you are going to use. Confirm the default values or increase them if you want the transaction to be faster.

Gas is the cost necessary to perform a transaction on the network.

After the transaction is submitted, wait for the confirmation.

Congratulations! You have just bought StackOS Tokens ($STACK) through PancakeSwap.

Last updated