Jenkins on StackOS
Jenkins app deployment from the StackOS AppStore.
Last updated
Jenkins app deployment from the StackOS AppStore.
Last updated
Jenkins is a tool used by developers to automate various processes.
We will show how a basic setup can fail, how to discover the failure, and how to fix the failure.
Use this image: jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
After your initial setup you will be presented with a URL such as:
Navigate to the provided URL to see the following message
Open a WebTTY and list your pod statuses
You will see that your Jenkins pod is flagged with "CrashLoopBackOff"
This indicates your pod is crashing
Use the WebTTY to show the pod logs. In some cases you will see something, in other cases you will not. It depends on the method used to set up the docker image.
kubectl logs jenkins-0xYourEthAddress
We have now determined our persistent data is owned by the wrong user. This is common if the pod is running as a user other than root. Determine the owner of the directory, set the ownership properly, and restart.
Navigate to the image details
We now know the user/group should be 1000 / 1000 respectively.
We use a dummy container image to make an easy shell and change ownership of the data directory
Temporarily set your pod image to "nginx:latest" and Update your Application
Shell into your pod
kubectl exec -ti jenkins-0xYourEthAddress-Random -- bash
Change the ownership of the persistent data directory
chmod 1000:1000 /var/jenkins_home
Verify the new ownership
Change the image back to jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
Jenkins is now running!
Fill in the password
Proceed through the installation steps. We recommend you take the basic route the first time to get familiar before doing more complex setups.
Your site is now ready: